August 2023

July 2023

2023年7月23日 (日)

Lalala~ (that's me humming!) wow, what a nice day! i went to a really old temple and bought a good luck amulet! it was for good results in exams~ i also visited the im@s official store and bought a ritsuko plushie! so cuuute... then, i took the train and visited toho cinema and the biiig godzilla statue! (i got hit on once by someone in kabukicho, and i walked straaaaight back out) i visited ma*rs and bought a cute setup and some bows! i had some sushi and a go-around food place, before getting hungry and heading to mcdonalds! i'm writing this in bed now, very comfy and excited for tomorrow! see you soon, mwah!

many maid cafès, ivy

2023年7月22日 (土)

OH MY GOSH. that was my longest day awake! i spent a 12 hour flight shifting between drawing, playing metal gear solid 3 and reading the lucky star manga. there was a really cute couple on the ailse next to me, i talked to them and they were heading to same places i was! i do hope i see them again, they were very sweet.

soon as i got off the flight... it was so hot! i got changed and walked around akihabara! i bought too much stuff for my first day... oh well!

i got a super cute ritsuko tapestry and a ton of stuff, as well as a larme-style setup and a bodyline jsk! so much funnn~ P.S. theres a super cute maid in the cafè across the road... but i'm too nervous to visit

many don quijote visits , ivy

2023年7月3日 (月)

well, i'm back to blogging again! i've been pretty distracted playing gaia online, the month went by just like that! does anyone else still play gaia? i never played it growing up, so it's fun to enjoy now. (my username is radiowavegirl, yes, there too!) i've finished all my exams now, and i did ehh.. pretty well! i had two maths exams, i got 90% on my non-calculator one, and a 74% on the mental maths one. pretty good, huh? i was kinda suprised that i did so well. i did study, but i've been playing a ton of videogames too. oh man, my autism say resident evil and thought, HUH YEAH time to get obsessed. just so you know where i'm at, lol. i'm excited for my trip to japan this summer, i will update more about it soon!

many green herbs , ivy (get the joke?)

2023年6月9日 (金)

wow... a whole week went by, and i didn't even blog about it! i'm back at school now, and i've been playing a lot of new leaf in my spare time, much to the annoyance of my family. not my fault! it's just fun to play www (in case you are wondering, my fave villager is drago! look him up, he's so cool !! ) i've got lots and lots of exams soon so i've been going to the library to study, and it can get pretty tiring, but it inspired me to look into the library closures in america. there seems to be a lot! reading is very important, and it sucks when people don't see that i am thinking of making a summer reading challenge on neocities! would that be cool or what? i'm really into feminist liturature and critique, so i'd probably base it on that!

many pretty words, ivy

2023年6月3日 (土)

ahh... holiday a SCAM !! if i ever heard one... i did not get to wear my favourite dress at all !! this sucks... my holiday was only a week long too, waay too short to do anything fun. all the americans are probably laughing right now.. haha! uk schools suck! and... they're right i've actually been contemplating moving schools, to an all girl's one! it's a little more focused on education, and it is in a very pretty building! (it looks like the academy from kaguya-sama, for refrence) i'd love to go, but i am nervous about moving... y'know? how will i tell people? ahh... all worries for another time! at least the uniform there is super-duper cute !! i'm also thinking of making a photo journal for my website... would you guys like that?

many bubble baths, ivy

2023年5月25日 (木)

i had lots of studying that i had to do today... it did make me pretty tired i have to keep my energy up, as i know my holiday is very soon! i'm currently planning for my next convention... only um... a couple days away? oh my... i still have some sewing to do, that's really the only problem. i tend to do things at the last minute, which i do hate. i'm cosplaying mayura, the ukagaka, because i think she is very cool. i've sewn the shirt, skirt and the hat (it's about 80% done, y'know?) i need to make the wings still, but that will be easy! let's hope it goes well.

many tiny kisses, ivy

2023年5月24日 (水)

well... hello! this is my first blog post, nothing too special, just a place for me to document my ramblings. today, i had a maths exam, which made my tummy hurt a little, but it was okay because i took some medicine. ugh.. sometimes school can really suck. at the moment, i hate being late to lessons. i lose track of time very easily, and seconds can turns into minutes that i miss. it stresses me out so much! the worst part of it is my fear of walking in late. sometimes i miss lessons all together because of it! i'm slowly getting better at facing my fears, mostly by just beating them straight on. i get quite emotional too, things seem to effect me more, mainly because of my autism... it kind of sucks, but again, i'm getting better. it is very easy to get stuck in a loop of self hate when you have disabilities, but i must break free! i'm taking things day by day at the moment. let's see how that goes.

many tiny kisses, ivy